How To Start Playing Video Games!

How To Start Playing Video Games!

Want to start playing video games but don’t know where to start? This guide will help you!

When some people think of a “video gamer,” they may imagine a greasy-haired man who is unemployed, lacking in social skills, and still living in his mother’s basement. However, with three-in-four Americans claiming to play video games, it’s about time that dated stereotype is put to rest. 

But what if you’re a woman? Well–did you know that women make up 45% of gamers? With more and more women playing video games, we are creating a growing impact on the gaming market. Games women want are not always the games men want. For many women, sexist content such as the objectification of women quickly makes a game not-so-cool, and thus trend towards buying games with better representation. And naturally, a community for women is a great place to start learning about woman-friendly content. That’s why I’ve created this blog!

So, if you’re new to playing video games, it may be difficult to decide where to start. Even if you have a little experience under your belt, there’s a lot to know when it comes to getting into gaming, especially if you’re interested in things like streaming, either for fun or to make money.

First, Consider What You Love.

The first step to gaming is to think about what kinds of games you want to play, and why. Are you playing for fun? To stream on Twitch? To socialize with your friends–or make new ones? 

If you’ve played games before, think about what’s important to you. Stunning graphics? A moving story? Addictive pew-pew gameplay? 

All of these things play a role in what games you’ll want to play, and therefore, what platform you’ll want to choose. 

Second, Choose Your Platform.


Your first option is to play on PC. Many people tout PC as the best option. Building your own PC has its advantages, whether you want to create a powerful, overclocked beast, or merely a stylish and colorful machine to binge Stardew Valley on. You also can buy a premade PC, whether you go to Walmart or shop online at a pre-built PC shop. Check out this article for more info on what kind of PC to buy. 

You might want to choose a PC if you’re interested in using a computer for non-gaming purposes, whether streaming, video editing, or blogging. However, when you buy a PC, you have to consider how you’re going to set it up. Unless you buy a laptop, you’ll need a desk, desk chair, keyboard, mouse, and monitor, for starters. Beyond that, you’ll need all your basic accessories. However, it can be fun to customize your personal PC area!

PC is the best choice for someone looking to spend a little extra money for powerful results and a lot of customization and game options.


Your second option is a console. Many of us started on consoles, and know them to be a great option for people who want a device made especially for playing games. Consoles can often run games better than a cheap PC, while also providing arguably greater comfort. While playing with a controller, you won’t be trapped in a desk chair. Whether you want to play FFXIV in bed, on the sofa, or standing in the kitchen doorway waiting for your popcorn to pop, it’s all up to you.

An advantage of consoles is the option to play locally with friends or family. Games like MarioKart or Halo provide the chance to enjoy time with others at home, and is how many first started playing games as a kid.

A disadvantage of consoles is the lack of game availability seen on PC. Each console has limited games available on it, and once your console becomes outdated, you’ll have to settle for old games or buy the latest console. However, this usually takes quite a few years and, with consoles costing less than a PC, may not be a problem for everyone. 

If a console appeals to you, you’ll have to consider which to buy. The main competitors are Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo. Each having many of their own unique games available only on their console. Most people know PlayStation and XBOX to be in one class, and Nintendo in another class. The former generally sells most AAA games for all ages, while Nintendo keeps its own family-friendly games to itself. If you only want to play Pokemon and Kirby, you may be best off buying a Nintendo Switch (which has its own advantages of being portable!). It’s worth looking into which games are available for each device before buying one.

Consoles are a great option if you don’t want to spend too much money, like to be comfortable, and want to play next to others.


The third option is your cell phone. When you want to start playing video games, mobile is often the easiest and cheapest route. Mobile games are widely popular with people of all ages, accounting for 51% of global retinue in the gaming industry (the other half being console games [25%] and PC games [24%].) Wow! Mobile games are a great option for someone looking to play games on-the-go, without spending any extra money on a gaming system. 

Third, Make Your Environment.

Depending on what you choose, you’ll need to buy various different things to set up a gaming area. Whether you need a desk, RGB lights, or nothing, you probably have the start of an idea of how you want to play your games. If you don’t, check out some great PC set-up ideas or console set-up ideas to get your creative juices flowing!

If you’re interested in streaming, check out our guide to Getting Started on Twitch.

Creating a space where you can comfortably game can help you enjoy gaming even more. 

Fourth, Find a Community.

The best way to keep learning about new games is to join a girl-run community. Check out Our Top 10 Twitch Streamers Girls and try exploring their content. Chat with others on their streams. Try an online game such as FFXIV or Valorant and chat with other people. Join the subreddits for any games you like and chat or find a Discord. Making friends with similar interests to you is motivating and fun!

Last, Have Fun.

Gaming is not an exact science. You will not be receiving a Final Exam at any point to test what you know. Try out new games, explore YouTube, watch cool Streamers, and read more content here to keep learning and enjoying the Gaming Community. At the end of the day, just make sure you’re having fun. That’s what games are for!

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